Baby 2 Reveal! It’s a…..

The whole family gathers for the big reveal party! Time to find out if Baby 2 is going to be a boy or a girl! The wait is finally over.

Watch the video for your surprise, and then read on…

On Saturday morning we had our ultrasound appointment at a wonderful place called Baby Envision. Although we had the gender given to us in a secret envelope, we could not wait! After finally receiving fancy lattes at our favorite breakfast place, Mudpenny, we opened the envelope! You cannot imagine our surprise and joy to see that we are having a little boy! Sammy is going to LOVE having a brother, and we know they will be the best of friends. We are just beyond excited for this news. I never would have guessed I would end up being a “boy mom”. Continue reading to find out the name!

After much deliberation and brainstorming all Saturday, we decided on something classic and traditional- yet still with many cute nickname options!

John Patrick Berry 💙

Grandpa Patrick is excited to have this new family member named after him, as we carry on the Berry family tree with all these boys! We love Johnny, JP, or even the full “John Patrick” for nicknames. We have many nicknames for Sammy, so I’m sure even more will pop up for our little John Patrick Berry!

There are few things we would LOVE for baby Johnny’s nursery… Winnie the Pooh and the Hundred Acre Woods theme! The perfect nursery for our 2nd Bear. Thank you for your continued prayers for this pregnancy, and thanks for reading!


Flying to Florida


Sammy’s First Birthday