Aldea Afternoon

You typically find us in Grand Haven, walking the streets and stopping in Aldea for a lavender latte and gluten free apple cinnamon muffin. With Coast Guard weekend in full swing, Sammy and I decided to head downtown Muskegon to the ole’ stopping grounds of the Northtown 794 building. The Aldea on the first floor has many good memories from when Sam had an office upstairs!

Sammy and I sat down at a table and of course I took a cute picture of Sammy and sent it to Sam. After a few minutes, a woman approached us and asked me if I was a mom. I replied yes I was! She said that she is part of a group on Instagram that highlights mothers out with their kids. She explained that moms don’t get pictures with their kids because there is no one to take the picture, and so would I like her to take a picture of us together? My first thought was that she wanted to take a picture of us to post on this instagram page- so instinctively, as nicely as I could, I replied no- but thank you! She asked again, “Are you sure?!” To make this situation light-hearted, I joked that I didn’t look very good today! She told me that she thought I looked beautiful and she would love to take a picture of Sammy and I for me to have. At this point, not only did I feel awkward with the compliment but I realized this was to be a picture taken with my camera, not hers. Unfortunately, I just stuck to my guns and told her I really appreciated it but I didn’t need a picture, but thanked her again for asking.

I should have replied, “Sure! I’ll send it to my husband!” Sam would have loved it. Sometimes nice people catch you off guard! What would have been a really cool experience with a cute picture ends up being just a nice, above-average conversation. I thought this was a nice offer by this woman to take a picture of us. I might do this in the future if I see a mom doing something fun with her kiddo!

Sammy was looking at my keychain. He investigates everything around him!

Taylor’s Question: Where do you go for that friendly, coffee shop culture?


Surprise for Sam